Free Look Period: Our Travel Protection Refund Policy

Can you cancel travel protection and get a refund?

Every Generali travel protection plan includes a designated “free look period” in which you may cancel your plan for a full refund of the plan cost if it doesn't suit your needs.

For most states of residence, you may cancel your plan within 10 to 15 days from the time of purchase (state restrictions apply). If you live in Indiana, the free look period gives you 30 days to decide if your plan is right for you.

Keep in mind, you can only cancel your plan within the free look period as long as you have not filed a claim, or left on your trip.

Consider Modifying Your Plan

You may receive a full refund of the plan cost if you decide to cancel your travel protection plan within the free look period. However, you may want to consider modifying the plan rather than canceling it entirely. If you haven't filed a claim or left on your trip, you can update your plan before your trip departure.

You can:

  • Change travel dates
  • Remove traveling companions
  • Change destination
  • Change trip cost

How Do You Cancel or Modify Your Plan?

If you need to cancel or modify your plan, contact us at 1-800-874-2442, and our customer service team will assist you.

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